Austin + Eva's Engagement Session | Inniswood Metro Gardens | Columbus, Ohio Engagement Photos| Youngstown Wedding Photographer
Are you ready to see some spring blooms and one beautiful couple?! Spring lasted about 3.7 seconds here in Ohio. Legitimately. It went straight from winter to spring (for ONE week!) and then darted to 80 degrees and sunshine. I'm so glad Austin and Eva had their engagement session scheduled right in the midst of everything coming to life. We met up at Inniswood Metro Gardens in Columbus, Ohio to begin their photos and they sported huge smiles and excited attitudes the entire time.
I was SO excited to use the tulips for ring shots!
Austin and Eva are incredible dancers! I hope they bring these moves to the wedding!! ;)
I just love a good vine wall!
Aaaauuughh this gives me all the feels. <3
Inniswood Metro Gardens has an awesome boardwalk path surrounded by woods that makes for amazing engagement and wedding photos. I've heard it's incredible in fall with all of the changing leaves too!
Funny story time. As we took photos by the blooming tree and I had Austin dip her down for a kiss, a group of elementary school kids on a field trip walked by and yelled "THEY'RE KISSING!!!!" Hahahaha.
Austin and Eva, you two are an amazing couple whose love for one another is obvious, genuine, and exactly what a great marriage should consist of! I can't wait for your big day to arrive in August so I can capture more of your love and memories. It's going to be one awesome celebration!! Hurry up, 8-11-18. <3