Newborn Husky Puppies First Easter | Youngstown, Ohio | Youngstown Pet Photographers
Happy Easter & welcome to the world, little pups!
(Sleepy time is all the time)
Meet Koda, Shadow, Neko, Balto and Jenna -- five newborn husky babies ready to take on the world!
When my fiancé, Donny, and I found out his parents dog, Kloie, was preggers, we knew we'd have to set up a little photo session to capture all of the cuteness. This turned into a time consuming project, but one that we were excited to undertake.
(Ruff day, ruff life)
A week after the puppies were born, Donny and I went on a wild goose chase searching for the best festive Easter props we could find on a limited budget and with little time to work with. This consisted of an entire afternoon spent raiding the shelves of Northeast Ohio's finest establishments: the local Walmart and Hobby Lobby :p We then presented the purchased materials to the newborn pups, allowing the little furballs to do what they do best: snuggle. Although it was difficult getting the fussy babes to cooperate initially, they came around to the idea soon enough. The pups especially loved the white, furry fabric that we laid in an all-too-expensive wicker basket--and I'm pretty sure they thought it was mama. (Kloie didn't mind at all; she was more than thrilled to have a break from the mother life and ravenous milk guzzlers ;p)
(Mama Kloie hiding from the paparazzi and her ever-hungry pups!)
All of this was done inside Donny's parents house using as much natural light as possible (which wasn't much LOL). We couldn't risk taking the puppies outside of their home and jeopardizing their health, so we had to take on the challenge of using whatever we had available in order to make it work!
I love to be creative and do shoots like this because it truly pushes me to stretch and grow as a professional, figuring out creative ways to accomplish our goals and vision no matter what the circumstances. It isn't always going to be a completely ideal environment for photos, especially when you are relying on natural light which you cannot control. You just have to go for it full steam ahead, have a good time, and make the best of the situation!
(QUEEN of the MOUNTAIN, or fluffy Easter basket)
This little girl, Jenna, sure did. She stole the limelight, asserting her position as ruler of this makeshift birds nest :p
(Scoot over, boys! )
Being the only girl of the family, Jenna quickly showed the fellas who was boss (and she even showed off her impressive pipes by singing for them)!
(Hold me closer, TINY DANCER! Move over, Elton! :P)
While only one week old here (eyes closed and all), these once sleepy little gems are now wide eyed rambunctious toddlers running around at five weeks old and displaying crazy amounts of energy (updates will be posted on social media! Be sure to follow!).
(We'll be friends forever, right?)
It's absolutely insane how fast they're growing! In just a few short weeks, they'll be sold to some lucky, lucky families and start lives of their own, blessing their new owners with lifetimes of love.
(Holidays sure take the life outta ya...)
Thank you for sharing your holiday with our husky family. I hope you have an amazing Easter! Be on the lookout for photo/video updates of these adorable puppers on Facebook, Pintrest, & Instagram @jessicakaephotography and share these "Easter miracles" with your favorite pet lovers! (CLICK the link buttons located at the bottom of this page, below the comment box, to follow their journey on social media)! <3